Chaplin Baptist Church
Children's Ministry

For more information about our children's ministry or any of our children's programs, please contact our Children's Director:
Amanda Chilton (502) 902-7881
upcoming events:
Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
Our children’s ministry is designed to bring children to a true faith in Jesus Christ through foundational
teachings and the power of the gospel. We believe it is imperative for children to have a deep
understanding of the Word of God so that when they graduate from children's ministry, they will have
a strong foundation and faith they can carry with them as they continue to grow.
Children's Church
Children's Church is available for kids ages 3 thru 5th grade during our 11 am worship service. Classes
are divided according to age group. We use this time to teach the children foundational teaching from
the Word of God, in hopes of developing and strengthening a true and solid faith in Jesus Christ.
Little Lambs is a Sunday evening class for ages 4 - Kindergarten. We meet from 5-6 pm to teach
foundational truths from God's Word and to study His Word together.
cornerstone kids
Cornerstone Kids is a Sunday evening class for ages 1st - 7th grades. We meet from 5-6 pm to learn
and study God's Word more in depth together.