Brother Mark Harrison
Bro. Mark Harrison was welcomed to Chaplin Baptist Church as Senior Pastor in November 2021. He brought with him a heart for the lost and a passion for preaching God's Word. He has 40 years experience as a pastor, having been ordained at Elkhorn Baptist Church in Campbellsville in 1981. Bro. Mark married his wife Sharon in 1990, and together they have one daughter, Sarah. In his spare time, Bro. Mark enjoys being with his family and his favorite cat, going to flea markets, eating chocolate, and drinking Ski.

Bro. Gene Smith is the Associate Pastor at Chaplin Baptist Church. His area of focus is music and education ministry, and his emphasis is on strengthening families. He desires to support, encourage,
and equip parents in raising their children to know and love the Lord… to give young people
opportunities for service so that they might learn the value of investing in others… to be a facilitator in bridging inter-generational relationships within the church… and to teach the Bible chronologically so
that people might understand God’s Word as it was intended—as God’s revelation of Himself in the context of real history. Bro. Gene enjoys spending time with his precious family-- his wife, Alana,
daughter Raina, and sons Shepherd and Elijah.

We are currently searching for who God has to lead the youth program @ Chaplin Baptist Church.
Amanda CHilton;
Children's minister
Amanda Chilton has been our children’s director since September 2021. Her desire is to bring the
truth of God’s Word to all children at Chaplin Baptist Church through foundational teaching, showing
how all of God’s Word points to Jesus Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Amanda enjoys spending time with family, photography, and teaching, both at church and as a home-school mom of 3. Her greatest blessings are her salvation in Christ and her three sons Isaiah, Daniel, and Jacob.